Saturday, January 15, 2011


Cyler had an echocardiogram yesterday because the cardiologist wanted to make sure that his heart was ok before we move forward with decannulation.  He required anesthesia becuase he is a wiggler.  That was more traumatic for us than it was for him...he actually did very well.  The echo took about an hour then we were discharged home.  In the evening the cardiologist called with some of the greatest news that we have ever heard. 
1. The VSD is closed.
2. Ventricles are more normal in size.
3. Pressures within the heart are completely normal-no pulmonary hypertension.
4. Cardiologist doesn't need to see him for 2 years.
5. Safe to decan from a cardiac standpoint.

YAY!!! we are sooo excited and yet petrified at the same time. 

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