Saturday, November 2, 2019

So far, so good!

It has been a whirlwind of a year.   Our sweet little boy is not so little anymore.  He is 11 and full of sass!  He is really growing and putting on weight.  He is still getting tube fed at night to assist with his caloric intake.  He is in a school that he loves but is rapidly outgrowing because he is learning so much and they only teach up to a certain level.  AHHH!  We are in the process of researching our options.  Here is what we have been up to this year.

Recital: Sonya (his dance teacher) did an amazing job in putting this show together and Cyler loved every minute of it.  This kid is a star and he knows it!  He is not afraid to tell anyone and likes to perform anywhere.

In addition to dance Cyler has started Taekwondo this year and it has been really good for him.   His dancing skills have helped him so much.  He has already earned his yellow belt!

Heart follow up:  All is good.  His PVC's are minimal and he can do limitations.  He was super excited to find a "Mickey" in his heart! He still has to get checked every couple of years to make sure everything is still ok.

And...this Halloween he wanted to be "mac and cheese".  It is his favorite food.  We had fun making the costume and even won a couple of contests.  After a couple of days he got a little tired of wearing it.  He said he "retired it" and decided to be King Arthur for book character day at school and our church fall fest!